Yooree Losordo Joins Hub & Spoke’s Board

CAMBRIDGE, MA—May 27, 2024—We’re proud to share the news that our respected friend and colleague Yooree Losordo, the director of network operations at Radiotopia from PRX, has agreed to join Hub & Spoke’s board of directors, effective immediately.

With many established media organizations in tumult in 2024, eyes are turning toward alternative business models for independent audio creators, including nonprofits and collectives. (Hub & Spoke is both.) With her extensive background in non-profit operations and arts administration and her heartfelt commitment to supporting the craft of audio storytelling, Yooree will be able to help Hub & Spoke rise to the challenge and the opportunity created by this recent reckoning, and provide both safe harbor for our current member-producers and leadership for the industry.

“Our ambition at Hub & Spoke is to keep finding new ways to support and promote our member shows, without ever infringing on their creative scope and editorial freedom,” says Wade Roush, co-founder of the collective. “That means tackling new challenges like grant-writing, crowdfunding, and alliance-building. So we’ve long had a goal of expanding the membership of our board beyond the Hub & Spoke producers who are the OG members and bringing in new skill sets. Yooree is a fantastic addition, and she’s already providing us with valuable perspectives and leads.”

“We’re so excited to welcome Yooree to our board,” says fellow co-founder Tamar Avishai.  “It’s an honor to know that she was drawn to our commitment to craft and independence, especially at such a challenging time for the industry. It’s an incredible vote of confidence that someone of her caliber recognizes how deeply we value both, and can help us thrive.”

Hub & Spoke, founded in 2017 to support independent audio, is a Massachusetts corporation with nonprofit fiscal sponsorship from the Arts & Business Council of Greater Boston. The board includes Soonish producer Wade Roush (president), Lonely Palette producer Tamar Avishai (vice president and secretary), Ministry of Ideas senior producer Nick Andersen (treasurer), Ministry of Ideas founder and producer Zachary Davis (director), 3Play Media engagement strategy manager Ma’ayan Plaut (director), independent audio producer and editor Nina Porzucki (director), and now Losordo (who also joins as a director).

“I am thrilled to join the board of Hub & Spoke,” Yooree says. “I have long admired the collective for their commitment to artistic excellence, independence, and community. This is a time that calls for deep collaboration and innovation in our business, and I am excited to get to work with my new comrades in service.”